
Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014

Mengatur Pola Makan Sebelum Menikah

Pada saat hari bersejarah dalam hidup Anda itu tiba, mungkin tidak ada hal lain yang ingin Anda pikirkan kecuali kesuksesan acara. Tak heran bila Anda jadi kurang menjaga makanan, sehingga akhirnya pada saat resepsi Anda malah terlihat kurang bersinar. Atau mungkin, tubuh juga jadi makin melar.
Anda pasti tidak mau kemungkinan terburuk ini terjadi. Oleh karenanya, Anda perlu memastikan agar selain persiapan acara berjalan lancar, pola makan juga selalu terjaga. Tiga hal ini sebaiknya selalu Anda ingat saat akan bersantap:
1. Hindari makanan yang berkadar gula tinggi
Saat emosi sedang naik-turun, keinginan untuk makan yang manis-manis bisa jadi akan meningkat. Padahal, ini juga bisa berakibat buruk bagi tubuh Anda. Untuk itu, Connie Gutterson, RD, penulis buku The New Sonoma Diets, menekankan pentingnya menyantap makanan dengan indeks glikemik yang rendah, agar dapat memberikan suplai energi yang positif dan stabil selama seharian.
"Jenis makanan ini dapat juga menurunkan risiko peradangan," katanya. Jadi, bila sedang ingin ngemil, lebih baik makan buah segar dan simpan jauh-jauh permen ataupun cokelat.
2. Santap lemak baik
Menyantap jenis lemak yang sehat, seperti dari minyak zaitun, daging salmon, alpukat, dapat memberi Anda asupan nutrisi yang cukup sekaligus membuat kulit jadi lebih bercahaya pada hari-H.
"Kebanyakan para calon pengantin wanita menjalani diet yang tidak sehat, sehingga mereka akhirnya tampil dengan tubuh yang kurus pada pernikahannya, namun wajah dan rambutnya tidak terlihat bercahaya," kata Gutterson.
"Untuk itu, perbanyak konsumsi lemak tak jenuh tunggal, agar selain tubuh jadi lebih sehat, kulit juga menjadi lebih lembab dan kenyal."
3. Perbanyak minum air putih
Masih sering minum alkohol sebelum pernikahan? Sebaiknya hentikan. Begitu juga bila Anda suka mengonsumsi minuman yang berkalori. Menurut Kathy Kaehler, pelatih selebriti kelas dunia seperti Jennifer Aniston dan Kim Kardashian, minuman seperti ini hanya dapat membuat perut jadi kembung dan meradang. Ia menganjurkan untuk lebih banyak minum air putih atau teh herbal, agar hidrasi tubuh selalu terjaga dan kulit selalu lembab dan sehat.
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Senin, 25 Maret 2013

Luxury Diamond studded, Lady Gaga Unique Wedding Gown

Luxury Diamond studded, Lady Gaga Unique Wedding Gown-Lady Gaga is NOT a name that does not make something unique. Even for a wedding dress, she accidentally ordered an unusual fashion.

Yes, specials for the day later, Gaga wanted to perform special indeed different dresses. Therefore, he has asked Donatella Versace as the designer of the wedding dress.

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"Gaga spends millions of dollars to his marriage with Taylor Kinney. He also wants to Donatella Versace himself was the one who designed the dress, "said a source, as reported by The Sun.

However, if the wedding dress is usually white, apparently it will not apply to the Mother Monster. Judas singer was rumored to prefer to dress in black and gold are made of silk. Not only that, Gaga also requested that the wedding dress is not a hassle. So this will make it easier to move around freely.

"He thinks it's a cheap white dress and prefer black and gold with a tail that can be removed, so the zoom can be diverse," the source added.

Although not common, it still display Gaga with fashion wedding later will not miss luxury. Therefore, expensive diamonds would be gorgeous stitched ornaments full dress.
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Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Bridal dress and Global Warming

Bridal dress and Global Warming-It turned out a wedding dress are affected by global warming or global warming. Especially in a country that has four seasons in which the wedding gown for the bride and groom concern.

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One that is affected by global warming is a wedding dress. Apparently at some wedding celebration activities in several countries have been thinking about how to choose wedding dress according to the heat and humidity increased and the weather is becoming increasingly difficult to predict. Even the trend is not a major consideration.

A designer wedding dress, Nina Duong, said that his customers often consider the heat and humidity factor when choosing a wedding dress for their special day.

In addition, often the bride and groom to purchase two wedding dress for their wedding. Wedding dress was first used during the wedding ceremony and at the photocall. While wedding dresses are both used at the reception. Clothes that both are usually not too fancy but still menajga beauty in marriage, but the comfort factor when worn become a major factor.

In connection with the heating factor and high humidity, Nina Duong recommend choosing a wedding dress with a material that is able to avoid the release of keringat.Bahan that match the wedding dress is a silk or satin.

What about in Indonesia with the relatively hot weather overall, perhaps a wedding dress with the material's worth a shot. Or maybe create a wedding dress made ​​in the country that offers very comfortable to use in any weather.
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Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Unique, Wedding Gown is From Plastic

Unique, Wedding Gown is From Plastic-Glancing at the photo album 'ReClothes' ​​belongs Zsofia Kormos contained in, we can see that free wedding dress does not have to be made of expensive fabrics such as satin or silk.

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In a row of photographs, wedding dress on display actually made ​​of plastic, wrapped so pretty to the body of the model.

Although not known for certain who has designed wedding dresses plastic, but this dress might be an idea for those who insist want to stay married in a state of recession. For couples that values ​​art and uniqueness in dress might also be an idea like this.
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Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

Indian Wedding Dresses

Indian Wedding Dresses-An Indian wedding is the epitome of beauty. Her graceful hands have been painted with henna mehndi paste in a lavish ceremony. His eyes outlined with kohl tempting. Every part of his body decorated with glittering jewels and gold. Her hair was entwined with fragrant flowers. But the most memorable part of the wedding day - for himself and for his guests - was her wedding ensemble. Indian wedding dresses are the most beautiful in the world.

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Among those influenced by Hindu culture, red - not white - the color symbolic of marriage. India spans every bride wearing red from pale pink to deep, true red. Although it depends on what region of India the bride and groom and their families live in, there is considerable variation in other aspects of Indian bridal wear.

In Punjab, the north-west of India, is not only the wedding dress but the red Indian henna painting on hand made in shades of red and rich contrast in chocolate, and a girl who wore an elaborate array of red and white ivory bangles called "Chura" which indicates to special status as the bridal world.

In Maharashtra, in the western part of the peninsula of India, India wedding dress world famous Paithani sari, silk sari decorated with zari (thread tinsel) and brocade, are often restricted in gold leaf. Paithani sari is probably the most famous designs in the ranks of Indian bridal wear. They named their design motifs: Tota-maina is Paithani sari with a parrot design, bangdi-mor Paithani sports theme peacock and bangle; asavali Paithani sari is decorated with flowers and vines, while showing a pattern of palm narli Paithani. Even the simplest Paithani sari takes months to make; sari brocade more complicated as the majority of India's wedding dress can take up to six months to complete.

For brides in Jammu and Kashmir, India consisting of bridal wear tight pants or silk called churidars churidar pajamas, worn with a loose shirt falling either just below the knee called a kurta. Very popular in the United States in the 1960s and the 1970s, Kurtas is seeing the rise of fashion in the West once again. As part of the Indian wedding clothes, both women and men wear Kurtas.

The women of Rajasthan, the largest state in the Republic of India, often wearing a colorful skirt called a lehenga spin on their wedding day, paired with a midriff-baring blouse called the choli as their Indian wedding. It is the Indian wedding clothes that most often you see on the screen when you watch Bollywood movies on marriage.

Indian dresses showed a lot of variation from area to area. One thing is for sure: if you buy them for preparing your own wedding or as a timeless piece to add an exotic twist to your wardrobe choices, wedding dress India is the ultimate fashion statement. When you wear Indian wedding clothes, you tell the world you are as brave you are beautiful.
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Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Preparation Groom on Wedding Day

Preparation Groom on Wedding Day-Preparation of the groom is also worth noting that the wedding went well. Most of the groom confused about what to do when the day comes. Preparation groom somewhat more relaxed than the bride, but still need careful planning to prepare. Here are tips to help you prepare for your wedding day needs.

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Waking up early

If you stay at home while the parents, set two alarms at the same time. You can ask the wedding organizer bestmen or to wake you up. Make sure you have enough time to perform body treatments on the wedding day.

A time breakfast

Before you leave home or a hotel, a time to eat breakfast. This is important because you will be busy on the day of the wedding. Prepare food with complete nutrition, such as protein. Drink enough water to avoid dehydration. Stay away from traditional energy drinks to maintain stamina.

Make sure everything is prepared for personal use Prepare all your personal needs at least a week before the day of H. When the wedding day arrives make sure that your individual needs are ready dikamar, such as wedding rings, clothing, coats, shoes, belts, socks, gloves, cuff links, tie pins, perfume and other supplies. Let no one scattered, because it would be difficult to find a replacement when the time is urgent.

Preparation of the groom is not so complicated, but still need special planning to prepare. If you are having trouble setting up any wedding needs yourself, you can ask for help bestmen and the people closest to you to prepare. Instead, consult a wedding organizer of your choice on what to be prepared the day of the wedding.

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Tips for Choosing Bridal Dress Muslimah

Tips for Choosing Bridal Dress Muslimah-Any Muslim would want to carry out the rituals perfectly. With regard to Islamic marriage, then there are some things that need to be attentive in order not to violate the rules of Islam. From planning to execution when a wedding reception. Marriage is a thrilling moment in one's life. Similarly, the dress will be charged. Choose the design kebaya according to age, shape and height. For the young, choose clothing kebaya no longer than waist or longer with a simple embroidery accents.

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Regarding the color selection should be a neutral color such as beige golden, broken white or other colors that you think appropriate and match the color of your skin. Soft kebaya colors suitable to be worn during the day. Instead lighter colors tend to be dark or suitable to be worn in the show in the evening. For a formal party, kebaya of organdy or brocade material may be an alternative option. In addition to the long cloth, Kebaya can also be combined with skirts or trousers. Use accessories that match the color of your kebaya.

Good Moslem is a strict no body shaping, not thin or transparent, and must cover the aurat (the whole body except the face and palms). However, this dress could have contrived comfortable and fashionable, without having to show genitalia. It could even match aliases dimix and combined with other materials as well as accessories, to make it more beautiful looks. Indeed, there are those who wear Muslim fashion halves. That is not covered everything. Veil can still be removed. But it's certainly a personal right of each Muslim.
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Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Lacy Gown Show More Charming

Lacy Gown Show More Charming-Wedding dress became one of the most important things in a marriage that should be carefully prepared so that the wedding can run as expected. Therefore, the selection of any dress should not be arbitrary. Materials dresses be the main thing to consider. Here are some tips on sundries dress materials, especially those made ​​of lace.

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Ensuring to always buy good quality wedding dress for your wedding is certainly a one-time lifetime. Intricate patterned lace, for example, consists of three different designs in a single motif, usually of good quality.

If possible, choose a model easily modified, to be used again. For example, a party dress. Just because you look good material you immediately took him to the designer before lace sure it is suitable for you. To kebaya, choose to suit your body shape. Lace kebaya is good for existing motif lace edges. Diagonal motif is less good for the kebaya. Symmetrical motifs more easily managed than the direct motive.

For the dress, relatively free. Choose a larger field. Adjust the design. Motif color should match the color of the base material webs. When you choose a dress of lace, hold and touch texture. Lace material of polyester yarn that feels sharp, usually the quality is not good. Softer than cotton. Do not poke or tickle when worn on the body. Good luck ....
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